Creative Portfolio

The Connection Between Art and Writing

For individuals with a creative inclination towards both writing and art, finding balance between the two can be a daunting task. For me, the process of creating something new kindles my excitement and motivates me to continue.


R. Byrne

©2018 - 2025

About Me

I've always loved the creative space and have tried to immerse myself in various forms of art without knowing. A simple pencil or paintbrush jumpstarts my hand right away.

My dream with my artworks is to one day finally feel I can push a strong message through with creation, meanwhile I search for it.

prints & Original works


The future ages

What the future may look like and how quickly it becomes the past



Different depictions of reality and its blur

sample works



Oil and a fine palette knife, dance of light and shadows


pavas reales


Poetry Collection

island poetry & menorquin stories

Second volume of collection of poems written from the heart

Simple words, depicting emotions of the island.

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"Una alfombra de palabras que nos levannta y lleva al confin del horizonte”

Island poetry

Menorquin Stories

Natalie R. Byrne

Poetry Collection

small book of poems

First volume of poetry collection

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novela andiamo jaqueline

viajes. aventura. naturaleza.

soledad aliada con el tiempo, el mundo aborigen cesa de exisitr

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Poesia & Controversia

lo inaceptable en verso

Mientras que mi poesia escrita en ingles es de lo mas poetico, soñador y cintileante en español sale una garra que carga contra toda una guerra.

Sin caer en etiquetas se escribe lo que a uno le sale

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Artistic Journey


Atelier Maicon, Sorocaba Sao Paulo, Brasil

Master Cultural Management, UOC, Barcelona, Spain

Bachelor Tourism Mnanagement, Breda University.


Assistant Professor, Salguerro University.

Therapeutic Art Coach, Whelton Wellness Center.

Private Art Tutor.

Client Work

Modern Mural Project for the Salguerro Spaces Network.

Event posters for the Whelton Welfare Group (Nonprofit).

Various Private Commissions.


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Port Addaia, Menorca


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